Capitan Cooking was created to highlight the Italian food and wine traditions, which have also allowed them to be known abroad, through the creation of the food and wine competition aimed at students of hotel school institutes.
The aim is to create a link between young people and the world of work with a view to international mobility, through the involvement of the communities of Italians abroad, where the culinary product has always represented the glue with the territory (between identity and country of origin).
Capitan Cooking was created to highlight the Italian food and wine traditions, which have also allowed them to be known abroad, through the creation of the food and wine competition aimed at students of hotel school institutes.
Lo scopo è quello di creare un collegamento tra i giovani e il mondo del lavoro nell’ottica della mobilità internazionale, attraverso il coinvolgimento delle comunità di italiani all’estero, dove il prodotto culinario rappresenta da sempre il collante con il territorio (tra identità e paese d’origine).
Organized by
Con la partecipazione di
Stages of the competition
1. Registration
The first stage"Team registration and submission of the Participation Form": each Institute must send the Application Form, signed by the Headmaster, by 1 Dicembre 2023 by e-mail to the address [email protected] using the official form (Annex A
2. Preselection
The second phase "Sending individual recipe cards" for the pre-selection and definition of the list of participants in the regional finals: each team participating in the competition must send the "Recipe tabs” and related multimedia content by ordinary e-mail to the following address [email protected] entro il 11 Dicembre 2023 (Annex B)
3. Regional Qualification
The third phase “Finali Regionali: la selezione dei Finalisti Regionali entro 20 Dicembre″: in this phase of the competition, each team will have to score live the recipes proposed in the pre-selection phase within the school laboratories of your institution. A special Commission appointed by the Organizer will taste the dishes of each team and judge them on the basis of specific criteria
4. National Final
The fourth stage ” La finale nazionale con l’elezione del vincitore del concorso Capitan Cooking Vª edizione è attualmente prevista a Reggio Calabria " : la fase finale prevede lo svolgimento di elimination activity, where the finalist teams will have to create live, in the laboratories of the structure that will host the final event, ricette estratte da un elenco delle ricette tradizionali italiane più conosciute in Italia e all’estero. Una commissione, composta da esperti del settore enogastronomico, attribuirà il punteggio finale a ogni singola squadra sulla base di specifici indicatori